Serving the Wasatch Front & Tooele County with old-fashioned warmth and sincerity since 1979.
Douglas Downs Gordon

Douglas Downs Gordon

 Douglas Downs Gordon, 82, returned to Heaven on March 30th, 2021 due to complications of coronavirus.

Doug was born on February 3, 1939 in Murray, Utah to Ada Lucille and Elmer McLaws Gordon in Tooele. As a teenager he worked on Jim Bevans farm during the summers. He attended Tooele High School where he participated on the swim team with his Uncle Lee Pratt being coach. His Uncle was a great example to him and helped his testimony grow about the Savior Jesus Christ.  Besides swimming he played baseball, was an expert bowler (he had even considered going professional) and enjoyed fishing. After graduating from Tooele High School he served a fulltime mission to England and Scotland. He then had a job as a machinist where he met his sweetheart, Colleen Wilson.  They were married in the Salt Lake Temple on June 22nd 1962. They have lived in various cities in Utah including Bountiful, Salt Lake City (where he attended the University of Utah), Centerville (where his father-in-law helped them build their first home), Erda, Ivins, and Tooele.

Douglas was always actively serving his family and others.  He enjoyed fixing things and was quite the perfectionist.  He always took great pride in his work. He taught his family to work hard and showed by example. Some of his work endeavors were “Perfecto Tool and Cutter Grinding”, Gordon’s Furniture, Radio Shack, Tooele County Justice of the Peace, and The Kopy King.

Douglas loved the outdoors.  You could always find him outside in his garden, experimenting with different kinds of vegetables and fruits.  He loved making his yard beautiful (always with a whistle on his lips). He enjoyed camping, fishing, taking walks with his sweetheart, and hiking among other outdoor activities.  He was a loving husband, father, grandfather, great grandfather, son and brother. We would often take family drives to see relatives where we would sing together as a family. Dad loved music.  He sang as a member of the Eleanor Kennard Chorale, played the ukulele, the guitar and the harmonica. We enjoyed many family vacations and have many fond memories of family reunions.

Douglas was an active member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints having served two missions to the Philippines with his wife and held various callings, among some of them were; Bishop, Temple Worker, and Stake Patriarch. We never questioned how dad felt about Jesus Christ. He took many opportunities to share his faith with us and others.  Douglas is survived by his loving wife, Colleen, sons: Scot, Danny, Benjamin (Stephanie Gordon), and daughters: Ronna (Hal Wells), Cathryn (Todd Tew), Heather (Todd Christensen), Sunnie (Kenneth Smith), Ann Rebecca (Mel Bingham), 36 grandchildren, and 19 great grandchildren, and his sisters Gloria Paakanen and Jerri Gordon.  Douglas was deeply loved by his wife and family.  He will be greatly missed by all of us.

A viewing will be held on Monday, April 5th from 6 to 8 PM as well as on Tuesday morning from 9:30 – 10:30 AM with the funeral service to follow at 11:00 AM. For those of you who would like to attend and will not be able to come in person we will be having a zoom meeting The viewings and funeral services will be held at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints chapel at 1050 W Erda Way at 11:00 AM. Burial will be in the Salt Lake City Cemetery.

Online condolences and memories may be shared at

Arrangements in care of Dalton-Hoopes Funeral Home, 435-884-3031


  • Tami Rockwell Posted April 1, 2021 9:07 pm

    What a wonderful giant of a man. You have a great family. I enjoyed getting to know some of them. Our sincerest condolences and prayers at this difficult time.

  • Matt Lawrence Posted April 2, 2021 5:54 am

    Bro. Gordon has always been a great example to me. He was a faithful member of the church and always cared about people around him. I send my condolences to the wonderful Gordon family.

    • Colleen Gordon Posted April 26, 2021 4:41 am

      Dear Tami, thank you for your sweet comments for Douglas. You have been a good friend.
      Sincerely, Colleen

    • Colleen Gordon Posted April 26, 2021 4:45 am

      Dear Brother Lawrence, thank you so much for your remarks about Douglas. He always regarded you as a good friend and brother.

  • Dave & Marty Wallace Posted April 5, 2021 8:19 pm

    Oh what fond memories we have of Patriarch Gordon and sweet loving wife Colleen! We always felt such a Christ-like spirit in their home. The peace felt upon walking in the front door was truly a physical feeling and it was powerful! We send our sincere love and prayers to you Colleen, and to Ben & Stephanie and Ronna & Hal and all your children’s families! We know you will dearly miss Patriarch Gordon and you will look forward to seeing him again!! Much love!

    • Colleen Gordon Posted April 26, 2021 4:38 am

      Dear Dave & Marty, thank you ever so much for your special comments. He thought a lot of both of you. Stay safe and thanks again for your post.

  • Thomas Hpttinger Posted May 4, 2021 9:54 am

    My heart goes out to The Garden family definitely a good man

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