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Carol Dawn McGlamery

Carol Dawn McGlamery

Carol Dawn McGlamery, age 91, a lifelong resident of Grantsville, Utah, passed away, December 25, due to complications of old age.

She was born, May 17, 1930, in Bern, Idaho, to Nathan and Lydia Kunz Barlow.  She married, Kenneth A. Warner in Logan, Utah on August 1, 1949.  They were the parents of eight children and two foster children.

Carol Dawn was a lifelong learner and an active participant in family history work.  She and her husband Kenneth served a Family history mission.  After the death of her husband, in 1988, she served a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Hawaii.  When she returned from the mission, her time was spent serving her large family and providing in home nursing care for various people.  She married Robert S. McGlamery, June 5, 2001.  Together they served a mission in New Zealand.  Bob (Pops) and Carol loved working in the Salt Lake City Temple, and they cultivated a large garden.  Bob died, April 24, 2019.  The last few years of her life Carol devoted to family.  She wanted to be present for important life events and gatherings.  Her final Christmas gift to her family was a copy of her testimony. 

She is preceded in death by both husbands, a daughter, Robin Warner Sagers, and two grandsons. 

She is survived by Karen Warner Zielke, Connie Warner Linford, Kerry Kenneth Warner, Renee Warner Kidd, LaDawn Warner Thackeray, Nathan Barlow Warner, Robert Francis Warner, Ann Lee Pinto, 39 grandchildren, 103 great-grandchildren, and a great-great-grandson.

Funeral services will be held Thursday, December 30, at 2pm, at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints chapel at 81 N. Church Street, in Grantsville.  The family would be honored to meet friends from 12-1:30 pm, prior to the service. 

Burial will follow in the Grantsville City Cemtery in the care of Dalton-Hoopes Funeral Home. 435-884-3031  Online condolences and memories may be shared at

Those wanting to watch virutally…please click on link just prior to services please.

1 Comment

  • Vickie Kluge Posted December 29, 2021 12:39 am

    Carol was a vital involved woman to the end. She brought smiles and kind words each month to all at the Daughters of Utah Pioneers Hilda A Erickson Camp here in Grantsville. Her daughter Karen made sure that she was able to be there. They shared a loving relationship with us. Oh. She will be missed. What a wonderful woman.

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