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Osama Ghareeb Taha

Osama Ghareeb Taha


Osama Ghareeb Taha, was born in Hawali, Kuwait on August 28th, 1990 to Sit-Elnass Ibrahim Ibrahim AbdAlla (mother) and Ghareeb Taha Mohamad Taha (father). Osama died 33 years too young, on December 26th, 2023. Osama lived a full life & took advantage of every moment that he could to really “Live”. Osama was a humble and beautiful person, inside & out. Osama loved adventure, exploring new things, being playful (a kid at heart), but even more, he loved people and life. Osama had a HUGE Heart, and was known for freely giving his food, clothing, or money to the homeless or helping others. When he gave or helped, he didn’t do it to be “seen” or for ego. He did it because that’s who he was, and for the joy of giving & helping others. Osama leaned on his faith and practice as a Muslim to care about others, not be selfish, to give of himself, and that all things come from Allah. He was thoughtful and kind to everyone, no matter what you looked like or where you come from. But, Osama was stalwart, reliable, and trustworthy in his duties and assignments in Airport Security and helped keep people in line. He was faster than the “Flash”, becoming a blur, when he was riding on his scooter to and from work. The only hint that he’s driven by is by one of his good smelling colognes. Osama has traveled to different parts of the world, learning to appreciate and love different types of people. He lived in Libya for about 10 years while his father worked there. Then he lived in Egypt until he eventually emigrated to the United States living in different states until settling in Utah, making good friends. He didn’t judge you by your past and only looked at the person that you are now. Basically, Osama was a good, Good man and will be sorely missed by many.

Osama was preceded in death by his father, Ghareeb Taha Mohamad Taha, and his oldest brother, Taha.

Osama is survived by his mother, Sit-Elnass, his older brother, Ibrahim, and much family.

Osama is buried in the Khadeeja Cemetery in West Valley, Utah.

Please share your experiences that you’ve had with Osama to share with family over seas. If you would like to donate to the family to help pay for funeral/burial expenses, please donate here. Dalton-Hoopes Funeral Home. 435-884-3031 Thank you.


  • Avatar of Paul Kunzler
    Paul Kunzler Posted December 31, 2023 6:10 pm

    I’ve enjoyed spending time with him and our mutual friend Doug, usually going out for dinner to explore the culinary delights of the city. His favorites included Braza Grill (Brazilian food) and That Food. He especially loved drinking a warm Thai tea.
    He was always great company and had great ideas to help people that were in need.

  • Avatar of Pat Eggers
    Pat Eggers Posted January 2, 2024 7:13 pm

    My neighbor my friend we were always there for each other I will truly miss this very special man rest in peace my friend

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