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James T Jensen

James T Jensen

James Therral Jensen passed away June 5, 2022 at his home in Grantsville surrounded by his loving family.

He was born Oct 3, 1947. To George Therral Jensen and Donna Lee Hendricks Jensen in Salina Utah where they lived until James was 7 years old and his family moved to Salt Lake City Utah.

James was a very devoted Husband, Father, Brother, Uncle, Great Uncle, Great Great Uncle and Friend.

James married the love of his life Teresa Gannon on October28, 1997. They had one son Shawn Gannon Jensen who he loved very much along with his dog Missy.

James was an amazing Brother to his sister Ann Dobbs, Sister-in-law Jeanette Ruffing,

He was the BEST Uncle anyone could ask for to Carrie (Leif) Condon, Douglas (Cyndi) Goalen,  Jerame (Hilary) Goalen,  Adam Jensen, April Jensen, Alexa Dobbs, Micah Dobbs, and to many Great Nieces and Nephews, Great Great Nieces and Nephews.

James had a great love for life with many interests and hobbies. He loved John Wayne, old westerns, rodeos, old cars, car shows, and Drag races, He loved building motors and teaching all who wanted to learn about it. James was blessed with the gift of Gab he loved talking to people.

James had a huge heart and loved his family and all his friends old and new ones that he has met on his journey in life.

Most of all he loves his wife Teresa with all of his heart. He loved all the adventures together such as Horse back riding, going to concerts, and trips they took together enjoying each other and being silly together.

James loved spending time with Shawn in the truck riding around listening to loud music and Shawn always saying to him “James is a good guy”.  Shawn had that right for sure James was one of the very best guys out there. He treated everyone like family and pinched them all.

James with be greatly missed by all those who knew him.

We Love you James

James is preceded in Death by his father Therral, Mother Donna, brother Neal, sister-in-law Rese’

Brother-in-law Dennes, sisters-in-law’s Rosi, Sam and Jodi.

Funeral services will be held at the Grantsville Stake Center, 550 E Durfee St Grantsville, Utah on Saturday, June 11, at 11 AM. Viewings will be held on Friday evening from 6-8 PM and Saturday from 9:30-10:30 AM prior to services BOTH at the Church. Burial will be in the Grantsville City Cemetery in the care of Dalton-Hoopes Funeral Home. 435-884-3031

A special thank you to the Doctors, Nurses and home health care that have helped along the way.

In Lieu of fresh flowers due to Teresa’s Sevier Asthma please send plants or fake flower arrangements.

Online condolence and memories may be shared at


  • Avatar of Teresa Hofheins
    Teresa Hofheins Posted June 8, 2022 2:07 pm

    Dearest Teresa and Shawn
    I’m so sorry for your loss of this great man.
    He sure was a character!
    My love and prayers for you both

  • Avatar of Kris Komoto
    Kris Komoto Posted June 8, 2022 3:09 pm

    Teresa and Family, my heart goes out to you all in this extremely difficult time. Sending love and light your way.

  • Avatar of Caren Didericksen
    Caren Didericksen Posted June 9, 2022 3:11 am

    James you will always hold a special place in my heart and will
    Be truly missed. You definitely did like to pinch. I remember always rough housing with you as a kid and you always giving me a horse bite. I sure loved to steal your hat and you always played along trying to get it from me. Fly high my friend. Love Sis!

  • Avatar of Aryanna Goalen
    Aryanna Goalen Posted June 12, 2022 5:33 am

    Teresa, I’m so sorry you’re having to go through this. You’re an incredibly strong woman, and James loved you so much! I remember putting my face in the big bowl, and James shoving my head in it more so I’d have chocolate on my nose. James taught me how to ride a horse, even though I wasn’t very good haha. Ladybird ended up rearing up and yanking his arm out of his socket. I felt terrible, but James being James, reassured me that it happens. He was the most patient human, and he’ll be missed. I love him very much. And Teresa, I love you and Shawn Gannon so much. You two mean the world to me.

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