Serving the Wasatch Front & Tooele County with old-fashioned warmth and sincerity since 1979.
F. Wade Peterson

F. Wade Peterson

Our beloved husband, father, and grandfather F. Wade Peterson passed away peacefully on March 24, 2024 surrounded by his family after suffering a stroke.

Wade was born March 15, 1933 in Mt Pleasant, Utah to Ferry and Myra Peterson. Along with his older sister JoAnn and his younger brother Gary, Wade was blessed with the musical talents of their parents and singing filled their home. Wade spoke fondly of his childhood as love, faith, music, and humor were at the heart of their home. At the young age of 10, his father passed away. Being the oldest son, Wade felt deeply the need to be a great strength to his mom and two siblings. They were a very close family. 

Wade continued to sing throughout his life in plays, weddings, church meetings, and family gatherings. He had a keen mind and excelled in school. He could recite poems, lyrics, and facts he learned in his youth and was a wiz at trivia. His favorite subject was choir and while in high school, they won every singing competition. He was president of the Choir Club and had the lead in the school’s operas. Even at the age of 90, he could sing his high school’s fight song without missing a word. After graduating from North Sanpete High School in 1951, he attended Brigham Young University for a year. Wade was blessed to serve as a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the Northwestern States Mission. It was his greatest desire to serve a mission and he was grateful for the opportunity since, due to the draft, only one missionary per stake per year was allowed to serve. His time in the Pacific Northwest was a profound and life-shaping experience that provided a foundation for his life and love of God. While on his mission, his sister, Dorothy Ann, was born.  After his mission he was drafted into the army and served in the Signal Corp as a teletype operator. He was stationed in Goeppingen, Germany during the Korean War. After his discharge, he attended BYU and worked as a draftsman for the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation. A few years later, he was transferred to the Duchesne office. While living there, he met Karen, the love of his life. Wade and Karen were married in the Salt Lake Temple on December 1, 1967. They became the parents of six children: Kimberlie, Matthew, Bradley, Ronalin, David, and Emilee. Wade completed his Civil Engineering degree from BYU and moved his family to Orem where they have been for the past 49 years.

Wade was a friend to everyone. His sincere kindness, gentle ways, and optimism left an imprint on all those he met. He served the Lord in his many callings with his whole heart and ministered with love. His faithful service to the Lord was a testament to his devoted discipleship and testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ. He felt a great love for the dear members he served as bishop. He also believed there were no finer people than those he met and loved in the Canyon View Stake when he served in the stake presidency for over nine years. He and his wife served three missions. Their first mission was in Jakarta, Indonesia. Wade served as Country Director of humanitarian efforts aiding in devastating situations such as volcano eruptions, earthquakes, mudslides, medicinal and sanitary needs, and clean water projects. A few years later they served in Nauvoo, Illinois as historical site missionaries. Lastly, they came to love the east coast as missionaries in the Boston, Massachusetts Temple. Wade also served as a sealer in the Provo Temple and as a branch president at the Missionary Training Center for many years.

Wade is survived by his wife of over 56 years, Karen (Moon), six children, Kimberlie (Chris) Weight, Matthew (Rebecca) Peterson, Bradley (Jodi) Peterson, Ronalin (Damon) Meck, David (Ashley) Peterson, Emilee (Billy) McCleary, 26 cherished grandchildren, 4 great grandchildren and a sister, JoAnn (Ned) Allred.

Funeral services will be held at 11:00 A.M. on Friday, March 29, 2024 at the Canyon View Stake Center, 575 E 800 N, Orem, Utah. Friends and family may pay their respects at a viewing on Thursday evening from 6:00-8:00 P.M. and Friday morning between 9:30–10:30 A.M. Both viewings will be held at the Stake Center. Wade will be interred with military honors at the Orem City Cemetery.

Online condolences and memories may be shared at


  • Avatar of Ralph and Diane Clegg
    Ralph and Diane Clegg Posted March 28, 2024 1:47 am

    Dear Peterson family, our most heartfelt condolences on the passing of your father, grandfather,and friend. Wade was a great person who exemptified a loving Christlike image. His example and tutoring help me to prepare and serve in the Church. I will always remember how he served our family and how he always shared a smile and his entthusiam for life and our Heavenly Father’s plan for his children. We are out of the country presently and therefore unable to attend the funeral and the viewing. We hope and pray that the Peterson family will feel the calm and peace of the Holy Ghost. May the Lord’s blessings be with you always.!

  • Avatar of Jeanette Parker
    Jeanette Parker Posted March 28, 2024 7:24 am

    Sending you my love and hugs on the passing of your dear husband and father. He was a great bishop to me when we lived in the Canyon View ward.

  • Avatar of George King
    George King Posted March 28, 2024 9:29 am

    Brother and Bishop Peterson is a truly good, genuine, generous and great man. He blessed our lives in so many ways. All our children looked up to him with respect and love. He generated goodness and positivity. The world was made much better by him and heaven will be a happier place with him in it. We can only hope to follow his example of leadership, devotion to God and family, and genuine Christian love.

  • Avatar of Philip and Dixie Brown
    Philip and Dixie Brown Posted March 29, 2024 2:37 pm

    Karen and family,
    Our thoughts and prayer are with you especially today (Friday).
    We remember with great fondness he many times of food and fellowship we shared in Duchesne. Wade
    was always a special presence n any gathering.
    May our Lord comfort you all by the power of His Spirit in the times ahead.

    Love and Blessings
    Phil & Dixie

  • Avatar of Judi and Joel Guttormsen
    Judi and Joel Guttormsen Posted March 31, 2024 9:51 pm

    Karen, we are so sorry to hear of Wade’s passing. Our hearts are full of the wonderful memories of our time together in Jakarta! We hope and pray you feel our Heavenly Father’s love for you and your family at this time!

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