Serving the Wasatch Front & Tooele County with old-fashioned warmth and sincerity since 1979.
Advance Planning

Advance Planning

I wanted to take a few minutes and visit about “Advance Planning” or “Pre-Planning.” Interestingly, when we are younger we don’t think about death and dying, when we are older often, we don’t want to think about it.

However, over the years, without question, those individuals or couples that sit down and review the future plans and discuss their wishes, desires and pay for in advance, are so much further ahead. The relief to grieving families is worth looking into your final wishes early.

I cannot emphasize enough that family unity is priority number one. The only way to avoid misunderstanding is to have an understanding. A family discussion is in order.

Questions will come forward of “Why Have a Funeral?”  “Should We View the Body?”  “What About Cremation?”  “What Type of Service Fits our Family?” “How Can We Make it Personal?”

The First Rule in Funerals is—

There Are No Rules

If a song has meaning to the family or the person, it should be sung.

If there are special people who can share meaningful thoughts and insights into the life of the person they should be heard.

If the family wants to speak they should do so even if their voices break and they must stop for a cry or so.

If there are special things that had meaning to the person: A fishing boat, an old car, Pictures of the life, Mementos of an occupation.. They should be at the service.

These are the things that make a funeral or celebration of life meaningful.

Feel free to express and honor without rules.

What choices do we need to make?

Along with deciding on Clothing, Obituary, Pallbearers, Flowers, Speakers, Prayers,

Final rest for the Casket or the Urn.

When we Advance Plan we can contractually pay for and Guarantee “Inflation Proof” the Casket, Urn, Vault, Cemetery Property, Headstones.

Typically the flowers, death certificates, obituary, taxes, service folders and other items are paid for at the time of death.

In another segment on Advance Planning, I will go into a little more detail on the eliminating some of the emotional part this process.

Thank you for taking time to read this, please feel free to submit any questions that you may have or topics you would like discussed.


Gene W. Hoopes, Mortician

Memories & Condolences

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