Serving the Wasatch Front & Tooele County with old-fashioned warmth and sincerity since 1979.

Delano “Lano” Moon


Delano F. Moon (Lano), age 44 , of Skull Valley Indian Reservation, and attended Dugway
High. He was born on April 10, 1980, to Thelma Bear Moon and Jimmy Moon, and was called
home on February 17, 2025, at University of Utah Medical Center.
Delano was survived by his children, Delano Moon Jr., Skyler Moon; his uncles, Gary Bear
and Ronald; and many others.
He was preceded in death by his parents (above); his brothers, Randy Moon, Wilson Moon,
Robert Moon; his sister, Gina Moon; his aunties, Arlene Bear Wash and Violet Bear Allen;
and his nephews and nieces.
A Cry Song will be held on February 25, 2025, at Skull Valley Indian Reservation, 407 Skull
Valley Road Skull Valley, UT 84029. On February 26, 2025, there will be funeral services
(time to be determined). In lieu of flowers, please bring a side dish and/or food donations.
Contact Veldeena Murphy for more information.
Delano will be remembered for his warmth, his playful nature, and his dedication to his family.
He will be greatly missed by all who knew him.
Thank you, Gene Hoopes @

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